Let’s get up where the view is better!
The aims of this website are to encourage all of us to explore life from a higher, wider and deeper perspective than ‘normal’.
Why? Because the more we know about Life’s layers and the richness of what we loosely call ‘Creation’ the better we can contribute to the healthy abundance of the natural world that supports us and the more respect for and joy we can find in life, whatever our circumstances.
Wherever we are and whatever our abilities there’s always more to discover in the real magic of Being. We can find that heightened sense of being through the deva kingdom or simply by appreciating the wonder of ‘our’ beautiful planet.
The aim of this website is to trigger a desire to know more, to stimulate your own thinking and hopefully make your journey more fullsome and delightful.
Sign up for my monthly email, which will let you know when I’m posting a new article or news of new books or events. One of my future goals is to offer some of my workshops as on-line courses so that I can reach more of you and you can go back to the content more than once.
Let me know what you would like to know more about, what you’d like to see more of on this site.
There’s plenty of information about me in various places throughout the site so you have an opportunity to build up a picture of who I am. In addition there’s a bio below in this ‘About’ menu.
Please share this site with others but I would ask you to respect that all the images (unless otherwise attributed) be they of artwork or photographs are of my own making and are subject to copyright. If you want to use any of these images or put links to my site on your own blog or website please let me know. Similarly if you feel our aims are sympathetic or complementary, I’d love to hear from you and perhaps put people in touch with you too.
Email: info@jacquelynelane.com