This World of Echoes – A Divine Guide to Being Human takes us on a profound journey from the stillpoint source of divine energy to the unfolding planes that form our spiritual and human worlds.
These books were given for us all and I’m really excited to be able to share their deep joy and wisdom with you now.
I have gathered the trilogy into a single print volume and also published them separately as Ebooks.
In the workshops, using plenty of informative visuals, I introduce core themes of the books that help us get clearer about:
- why our world works the way it does
- what our personality is made of
- how we can move from identifying with the personality to the greater consciousness and joy of our higher self and its inclusive world of grace and impersonal Love.”
This World of Echoes is a rich resource for talks or workshops. Jacquelyn can share both the process of ‘writing in meditation’ and facilitate your group’s understanding of the profound spiritual teachings in This World of Echoes through multimedia presentation and discussion.
To register your interest in any of Jacquelyn’s Workshops and Talks CLICK HERE