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Lisa Hattrick-Spirit of Nature Series

  • Jacquelyn E Lane
  • Art
1. Smile-Inducing Art – Nicole Russell
2. The Art of Lisa Shaune Hattrick
3. A Bold American Artist – Shera Delia
4. The Blackwood Art Update
5. A Beautifully Powerful Book
6. Vestige – Rob Mullholland
7. Power, Passion and Whimsy
8. My Own Art Update
9. Robèrt Franken – Always Unique
10. Lisa Hattrick-Spirit of Nature Series
11. Natural Secrets
12. Karyn Roberts Art Update

Lisa Shaune Hattrick likes to paint the unseen but what does that mean? How can one paint what isn’t seen or even know what is there, if it’s not ‘seeable?’ These are questions that we could spend many hours discussing or write lengthy books about. Talking of which, Lisa’s subject matter is also the subject of my latest book, DEVA, so here, in Lisa’s powerful images is another way to begin to sense and appreciate some of the layers of the Deva kingdom. Lisa’s ability to convey the feeling of the Energies of Nature as painted images is a rare skill.


Lisa says:

“I’m playing with paint and then images or energies evolve from the painting pattern and from the collective unconscious. I don’t know what I am painting until it starts to appear before me and then it is a lovely surprise to me. This is what most excites me about painting.”

Lisa’s process is very intuitive. She does not use photos or copy images. Nor does she have any preconceived ideas about what she will paint. She describes it as ‘non-thinking, spontaneous and experimental’.

Blue Wind

Spirit of Place

The ‘Green Man’ Lisa has depicted here, is a mythological character that developed in many ancient cultures around the world. He is a symbol of REBIRTH, representing the cycle of new growth and fertility that comes in Spring. This has become a regular tradition, celebrated in festivals held around the globe, where people dress up in all types of nature’s greenery and vegetation to emulate and celebrate Spring.


This is my personal favourite from this beautiful, high energy collection. I was struck by the subtle beauty of Lisa’s version of pan as soon as I laid eyes on it and immediately ordered a print of this wonderful image. It’s a masterfully subtle portrayal of compassion, power and the life-giving energy of growth.

Time to Bloom

I was admiring this wonderful collection of Lisa’s latest works when a mutual friend described the images as Chakra studies meaning that they both trigger and represent the subtle energy centres of our human bodies. ‘Chakra’ comes from the Ancient language of India known as Sanscrit and it refers to the whirling discs of energy that are also utilised in the Chinese practice of Chi Gong, the art of stimulating and circulating those essential energies that power not just our human bodies but all the life that surrounds us.

‘Out of the Fire’  (below) is the last but by no means least of this collection by Lisa Shaune Hattrick. Lisa observes that this powerful image could be seen as a representation of our journey with Covid. In any event it’s one that can represent or symbolise many of life’s challenges and experiences that in the end lead to growth and renewal.

Want to own one of these stunning images as a fine art giclee print?

Email Lisa Shaune Hattrick:

Also check out selected prints of Lisa’s work at

Jacquelyn E Lane

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