Humans have been communicating with nature since they found themselves here on Earth.
Below are books I have enjoyed on this subject . . .
Also: Take a great ride on this subject in my eco-novel The Children of Gaia
There is a good deal more in my forthcoming non-fiction DEVA—Our Relationship with the Subtle World.
NEW! People of the Earth – A valuable addition to the genre, this New Zealand publication records communications between the book’s four contributors and a range of disembodied spirit entities, including nature spirits and others associated with plants or ecosystems. In my view it makes two particularly valuable contributions to the literature, the first being a demonstration of the integrity of the participants in these joint communication sessions. Second, is the Appendix, which deserves a more notable title and more prominent placement as it lays out an excellent framework by which we can understand how such communications work and where the spirit beings that are contacted ‘fit’. It offers a coherent perspective on how life is constructed at all levels of density and subtlety. The terminology may differ from other schema but the essential understanding is well described and extremely useful. By Peter Calvert, Richard Bently, Carolyn Longden, Trisha Wren, Pub. Attar Books.
To Hear the Angels Sing – Dorothy MacLean – Kindisfarne Press 1990 (A sheer delight)
The Real World of Fairies – Dora van Gelda – Quest 1977 (Another sheer delight)
Nature Spirits & Elemental Beings – Marko Pogačnik – Findhorn Press 1995 (A very good read)
The Kingdom of the Gods – Geoffrey Hodson – The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar 1952 (A wider ranging classic, a readable work)
Nature Spirits (Selected Lectures) – Rudolf Steiner – Rudolf Steiner Press 2007
Meeting Fairies – R. Ogilvie Crombie – Allen & Unwin 2009 (Another sheer delight -Crombie was associated with the Findhorn Community.)
The Magic of Findhorn – Paul Hawkin – Fontana/Collins 1976 – (An account of how the Findhorn Community (Scotland) came about and achieved spectacular success in its vegetable gardens.)
Check out the publications by the Findhorn Community, Scotland.
The Hidden Life of Trees – What they feel, How they communicate by Peter Wohlleben. Recently published in English by Black Inc. (2016) A wonderful new addition to our understanding of trees and forests by a German Forester.
The Songs of Trees – David George Haskell (Pub Black Inc 2017) Superbly written by a Biology Professor who was a Pulitzer Prize finalist for The Forest Unseen.
The Secret Life of Plants – Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird – Penguin 1974 (All science but a worthwhile easy read.)
Journey into Nature – Michael J. Roads – HJ Kramer Inc 1990 (Australian. Also wrote Talking with Nature.)
Fragrant and Radiant Healing Symphony – Roland Hunt – 1949 – HG White (An oldie but very interesting, only available second hand)
Perelandra Garden Workbook: A Complete Guide to Gardening with Nature Intelligences – Machaelle Small Wright (A popular and longstanding guide)
The Hidden Life of Trees – What they feel, How they communicate by Peter Wohlleben. Recently published in English by Black Inc. (2016) A wonderful new addition to our understanding of trees and forests by a German Forester.
The Biggest Little Farm as well as being a beautiful documentary to watch, offers a great example of how knowledge, dedication, trust and sheer hard work can turn a barren waste into a thriving, productive eco system that feeds both humans and wildlife. (Set in California but with lessons for other parts of planetary humanity as well).
In addition to the above, just do a search using these sorts of phrases:
‘Communicating with trees’, ‘Talking with trees and plants’. You may be surprised how much is out there!
Check this article out on your search engine: ‘Never Underestimate the Intelligence of Trees’ by Brandon Keim It appears on a number of sites.
Here’s an interesting article:
If you have your own favourites, let me know.