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Deva Talk Title Image-Jacquelyn E Lane

At every level of Being, Life is intelligent and knowable.

In this one (or two) day intensive we look at deva in their wider context via a graphic Keynote presentation interspersed, (depending on the location) with visits outside to sense and communicate with the devic life in nature.

This workshop is not just about the elemental level of deva—the so-called faerie realm we are so familiar with through stories and legends. We also look into the role of higher deva (sometimes called the Angelic Kingdom). Higher deva overlight landscapes, ecological systems, plant species,  organisations and much, much more. We also get personal, looking into the role deva play in our bodies and our moment to moment experience.

Six weeks after presenting a Deva workshop at Southern Lights Centre in Akaroa (New Zealand) I received this email from founder Lawson Bracewell.

“Had a visit from [name] today.  She is still glowing from the workshop.  Delighted with the book [This World of Echoes] and is sharing it with friends.  She would like another workshop with you in future.  So would we.
Love, Lawson.”

(Lawson passed away suddenly in 2014 but the Southern Lights centre continues its excellent work under the guidance of Julia and Orest Tarnawsky)

For more reviews, scroll on down to the bottom of the page . . .

Here’s the Deva Workshop flyer

More reviews for this Deva Workshop . . .

“If you want to enhance/develop/complete the ‘picture’ of your life, go to one of Jacquelyn’s workshops.” P. Dye (NZ)

“A refreshing reframing of Cosmology. The ‘big picture’ brings a sense of validity and credibility to an area seen often as ‘Flakey New Age’. [Jacquelyn] models an investment and self-discipline in pursuing the topic of devas from a range of approaches—experience, art, study, writing and teaching.” J. Tarnawsky (NZ).

“If you wish to increase your awareness and connection with the angelic/Devic forces this is a ‘must do’ Workshop.” L Gideon (NZ)

‘It’s a great way to learn about Deva, their importance in our day to day living and how to work symbiotically.” B K Collins (NZ)

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